Discover CBD!

I am thrilled to share with you that I am now a Sales Representative with CBD BioCare! CBD is helping people naturally and I want to educate people while changing their lives with a natural alternative. I have experienced first hand over these past difficult months the remarkable healing powers of CBD products. I knew I had to get involved. I hope you will join me on my mission by telling everyone you know about it.

Why use CBD Oil? Full Spectrum CBD oil can promote sounder sleep, reduce inflammation and pain, fight oxidative stress, improve heart health, support weight loss, and protect against some forms of cancer.

However …. CBD BUYER BEWARE! It is like the Wild West out there with so many hustling CBD products. Do you really know what you are taking? Is it Full Spectrum CBD, Isolate or Hemp? Do you even know the difference?

There are 104 compounds known as cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Full spectrum CBD contains all of these along with vitamins, essential fats, and protein. Vitamins A, C, E, and B are found in abundance in CBD, along with up to 20 amino acids and essential fatty acids, like Omega 3 and Omega 6. These amino acids speed your body’s ability to make protein, which improves recovery time, and the fatty acids are great for heart health.

The major benefit of a full spectrum CBD oil is the positive effect when all the compounds work in unison. CBD isolate (contains only CBD) is a bit like buying bread that’s been stripped of much of its nutritional value. On the other hand Hemp has been used for centuries and contains only trace amounts of CBD.

Know that each are different products and you will get exactly whay you pay for!

#CBDBioCare #AllNatural #CBDOil #SkinCare #Pets #PainRelief #Relax #MyMission

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