Change the way you see things and the things you see will change!

Cheap and frugal folks both like to save money. Being frugal is about assessing the bigger picture and developing simple saving strategies. Cheap folks use price as their bottom line and often have stuff fall apart while frugal folks look for value. Forced by the universe to abandon our double incomes we now have to figure out how to make ends meet strictly on our fixed incomes. Being tasked with creating a household budget on my own because of my hubby’s situation I have been smiling outwardly but screaming internally now that our discretionary funds have run dry.

My mission is to prioritize our spending to meet our needs while providing the things we care about. I will share with you my journey and small savings strategies I discover in my day-to-day life so that I can allocate my resources to bigger dreams and so can you.

Being frugal doesn’t mean you’re poor.  Being frugal means more money staying in your pocket and having a choice in how and where you’d like to spend it. Disposable items have become a major part of everyday life. We often don’t stop to think how much we’re spending on them, or how much they’re contributing to piles in our recycling centers. Many can easily replaced by much longer lasting items.

At the last monthly meeting of my ladies group I was introduced to E Cloths and Norwex products by our enthusiastic hostess. These microfiber cloths are designed to clean with just water leaving no chemical residues replacing household chemical products as well. They trap 99% of bacteria that are released from the tightly woven fibers when rinsed. They last for years of cleaning and hundreds of washes. Brands like Swiffer make their money off of the fact that you have to continuously replace the pricey cleaning pads on their products.

The bottom line is, both products are wonderful and will change the way you clean but E-Cloths perform as well as Norwex at a fraction of the cost. A Norwex cloth contains silver making them more expensive which acts to speed up the killing of bacteria IN THE CLOTH – NOT ON THE SURFACE. The only reason you may prefer Norwex is if you do not wish to rinse your cloth after you use it. If you rinse the cloth after you use it, the bacteria will simply be rinsed out.

If you are interested in giving these products a try for yourself you can check both out in my Diva’s Daily Deals board on Pinterest. Click on the link Be sure to follow me and check back frequently for more fab finds!

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