The Grass Looks Greener on the Other Side!

Being a Diva at Home is definitely not what I fantasized it would be throughout the many years I worked in Corporate America. Living and working in the wealthier then average Fairfield County Connecticut my peers and I would venture out for lunch and be among the stay-at-homes out and about running their mid-day errands in their tennis uniforms or workout gear. We would envy them. Now that I am on the other side day in and day out I have come to the realization that what you wish for is not always what it is cracked up to be.

With hubby on the mend but having to juggle our lives from A-Z there just are not enough hours in each day to do everything that needs to get done. At the end of the day I am simply exhausted and actually passed out last night while relaxing and watching several short videos on YouTube. Needless to say I finally managed to view both while having my coffee this morning.

Tasked with the planning and preparation of 3 meals a day is almost always a challenge for me. What to eat? I did not realize how lucky I was being able to hang with the girls mid-day and relax over a nice lunch. If it wasn’t for the treasures I accumulated in my “lazy girl” kitchen I do not know how I would be able to do it. Regardless if you are a career woman or a mom at home no kitchen should be without the following life-saving appliances that simplify meal preparation (brides to be take note) …. air-fryer, copper cookware, Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffeemaker, slow cooker (crockpot/instant pot), indoor grill,  and last but not least my prized Kitchen Aide Stand Mixer.

There you have my fav toolkit for my kitchen creations. I will share hacks, product suggestions and recipes with you in future blogs. Until then ….

Or maybe just a looooong soak ? Here’s my fav that takes me back to Maui which is my #1 on this earth. A girl can dream! Just click on the link below the image if you are interested in purchasing this product.

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